Dynamic bid management
By leveraging historical, first, and third-party data sets to determine the value of every keyword, iQuanti is able to set custom bids for each keyword to target the ideal ad position, device, region, time of day of every search, and minimize wasted ad spend.
Delivering optimal quality scores
Using Quality Score Management, iQuanti can identify the greatest opportunity for improving your paid search Quality Score and drive significant cost savings for our clients. Once optimized, a high Quality Score allows campaigns to pay less for each click than competitors.
Effective ad copy creation & delivery
Ad copy is the pivotal moment for brands to connect with their audience and gain a leading edge. At iQuanti, we leverage first and third-party data, including cross-channel marketing insights, to deploy the ad copy that maximizes acquisitions.
Ground-breaking conversion optimization
At iQuanti, we leverage emerging, data-driven search technologies and develop customized test & learn plans that are supported by robust analytics. We continually repeat this Test & Learn approach for on-going conversion optimization.
In-depth site tag analysis
Conversion rate optimization programs are only as successful as the data analysis that feeds the ideas.
Let iQuanti review your tag implementation and make sure that you have the optimal set-up in place to ensure data accuracy and consistency on an on-going basis.
Case Studies
Demand Generation
See how we generated double digit growth in leads and spent less on media.
Digital Acquisition – SEO
See how we increased the organic footprint of a major brand in a highly competitive market.
Experience Optimization
See how we made conversion gains and created a cohesive site experience.
Request more information about Search Engine Marketing
Getting started with iQuanti is easy, just drop us a line and we’ll setup a time to discuss with you shortly.