Marketing was the outlet in which creative people could add significant value to a business. A lot of that changed with the development of digital marketing. Most users of digital marketing work to optimize their webpages for keywords they would like that page to rank for. They would do this by analyzing the keywords Google ranks highly and use these words as many times as possible on their webpage. Google has not introduced RankBrain to its Hummingbird Search algorithm, which will give marketers the freedom to be creative again.

There are 15-20% of search requests made on Google that are not recognized by the search engine. Sastry Rachakonda, CEO of iQuanti, a digital marketing agency believes that with the use of RankBrain marketers will be able to be as creative and original as they want. He uses the following example to prove how search is imperfect, “because search is imperfect, we as marketers have to do some work to point people to what we want them to see. Say you’re a credit card company and you have a great Web page on managing accounts. If someone inputs ‘plastic money’ into their search, they’re not going to end up on your site unless you put those words in your content.” Jamey Barloe, SEO Team director echoed these thoughts and stated that they would begin creating content for users instead of search engines.

Though Hummingbird would offer marketers the ability to be as free and creative as they would like it does significantly increase competition, as now a firm will not only be competing with other firms who were good at SEO, but all firms creating good content.

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