We won’t lie, calling the past year and a half ‘challenging’ would be an understatement!
But we at iQuanti took things head on. We were one of the first movers to allow people to work from home following the principle of “Employee safety first.” We took initiatives like reimbursement of infrastructure to help ease work-from-home. Now, iQuanti has begun opening its offices since beginning of October 2021. And like many blue-chip and high-tech organizations, we believe it’s time to adopt a new way of working — the hybrid model.
This work model allows employees to internalize the organization’s culture, break silos, enhance collaboration, and build trust among team members. It retains work–life balance, so people can manage their personal and professional priorities. We’ve taken all the precautions to ensure the safety of our employees, vendors, communities, and other stakeholders.
We believe this initiative will help iQuantians build rapport with each other, collaborate to perform better, improve productivity by face-to-face learning especially for function-specific trainings, become job ready faster, and last but not the least, have fun together!

“I believe working from the office simply leads to more productive hours and reduces turnaround time. There’s also clear and crisp information flow across team members.”
Rolling out the red carpet
We rolled out the red-carpet for iQuantians earlier this month. It’s only natural that after something as grievous as COVID-19, people would wonder about safety measures. “Do others coming back to the office follow COVID-19 protocols, as required?” “Is the company taking proper measures to ensure safety?” “Would there be anyone with symptoms coming into the office?” “What is the supporting infrastructure the company has built around coming back to work and employees’ mental well-being?” These are just some of the very common questions running through everyone’s minds.
At iQuanti, we understand that reopening is based on trust and transparency. We’ve prioritized the health and safety of our employees and adopted measures that are based on government protocols and scientifically approved information from public health officials and medical experts.
And it’s heartening to note iQuantians response to our efforts. Rajnish Ranjan, Director – Data Science, who believes it’s amazing to be back in the office, says, “The office looks totally new with an added sense of friendly work environment. It was fully sanitized with alternate seating arrangements to maintain hygiene.”

Back to work
More of our returning-to-workplace troopers recounted the joy of returning to work. And it’s not only related to the hygiene conditions at our workplace.
Ranjan adds, “I believe working from the office simply leads to more productive hours and reduces turnaround time. There’s also clear and crisp information flow across team members.”
Sharanya G, Senior Analyst – Engagements, says, “It’s been great! For one, it’s nice to finally see the faces behind the voices in meetings. It’s wonderful not having to write an email every time I need a file instead of just asking for it from my colleague next to me. Our office is fairly diverse, and it’s interesting to interact with colleagues from different cultures, with different experiences and hobbies. I’d missed that.”

While Sahil Arora, Director – Engagements misses working from home when he could spend time with his 18-month-old son, he sees multiple merits in iQuanti’s hybrid work model. “I believe iQuanti can realize the true potential of its human capital if we can mentor, coach, and guide them,” Sahil says. “And maintaining proximity with employees, informing them of the process of safe return, and encouraging open dialogue with the leadership has resulted in a transparent and seamless return to the workplace.”
It’s been great! For one, it’s nice to finally see the faces behind the voices in meetings. Our office is fairly diverse, and it’s interesting to interact with colleagues from different cultures, with different experiences and hobbies. I’d missed that.
We couldn’t agree more, and we are happy to see iQuantians embracing our vision of the hybrid work model! We look forward to having all our colleagues back in office, making the office space lively and collaborative once again, keeping all necessary protocols and precautions in mind.