Google’s Q3 2019 Earnings: What Performance Marketers Need to Know
Google’s parent company, Alphabet (GOOG), announced its quarterly earnings earlier this month, missing street expectations by slight margins and bringing in $40.5 billion. While Google missed the analyst estimated earnings per share, other metrics like revenue, TAC...
Google Turns 21: Reflections from a Former Black-Hat SEO
Michael Bertini, the director of SEO strategy at iQuanti and a former black-hat SEO, is an expert in enterprise SEO tactics and techniques. From an SEO perspective, Google turning 21 is not the biggest deal: they haven’t announced any new features or functionality...
Understanding Google’s E-A-T Guidelines – Gearing Up for Search Success
Today, the E-A-T (expertise, authority and trustworthiness) metric is highly influential in determining how pages rank in search—especially for so-called YMYL (your money or your life) content. The reason is that Google looks closely at page quality to assign rank. As...